Other research activities
Research Under Review
Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, Paul W. Fombelle, Kristen B.
DeTienne, and R. Bruce Money, “When Saying is Believing: How Solicitation of Feedback Influences Customer Repurchase Intentions and Behavior,” Invited for 3rd round R&R at Journal of the Marketing Research, 4-2015.
Fombelle, Paul W., Sterling A. Bone, and Katherine N. Lemon, “Suggestions are
Welcome: Provider Responses to Unsolicited Advice Feedback,” Invited R&R at Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 1-2015.
Fombelle, Paul W., Anders Gustafsson, Lars Witell, and Martin Lofgren “Gratitude and
Obligation: The Positive and Negative Outcomes of Firm Gift Giving,” Invited R&R at Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 3-2015.
Gustafsson, Anders (Karlstad University, Sweden), Paul W. Fombelle, Lars Witell, and Per
Kristenssson, “Unleashing Innovation and Learning Service Innovation,” Submitted to Journal of Service Research, 12-2014.
Fombelle, W. Paul, Clay Voorhees, Sterling A. Bone, and Alexis Allen, “Managing Post-Purchase
Moments of Truth: Leveraging Customer Feedback to Increase Loyalty,” To be submitted to Journal of Marketing Research, 3-2015.
Research in Progress
Tignor, Stefanie, Paul W. Fombelle, and Nancy Sirianni, “Fun Made Me Do It! Transforming
Consumer Well-Being Through Serious Play,” target for Journal Marketing Research.
Fombelle, Paul W., Clay M. Voorhees, and Thomas L. Baker, “Understanding Consumers’
Processing of Online Review Information,” target for Journal of Marketing (Preparing Manuscript).
Ray, Kristal, Paul W. Fombelle, Sterling A. Bone, Scott Thompson, Michael Brady, “Cliffs of
Dissatisfaction: The Effect of Introducing Technology- Based Innovations on Service Employees & Customers,” (Preparing Manuscript).
Beckers, Sander, Sterling A., Bone, Paul W. Fombelle, and Kristal Ray, “Happy Users, No
New Contracts: How Operating a Customer Support Community Impacts Level of Loyalty, target for Journal of Marketing (Preparing Manuscript).
Work Under Development
Jarvis, Cheryl, Krista Hill, and Paul W. Fombelle- Reliability Generalization: a meta-analytic
look at how a critical construct in services is operationalized and how the results from that measurement model vary across studies. Data analysis.
Funded Research
Fombelle, Paul (Co-Principal), Michael Brady (Co-Principal), Sterling A. Bone (Co-
Principal), "Oracle- Service Innovation Implementation and the Voice of the Employee", Oracle & The Center for Services Leadership. Funded by Oracle - $45,000
Fombelle, Paul W. (Co-Principal), Katherine N. Lemon (Co-Principal), Sterling A. Bone (Co-
Principal), "Oracle Online Community Engagement", Oracle & The Center for Services Leadership. Funded by Oracle - $50,000
Fombelle, W. Paul, Clay Voorhees, Sterling A. Bone, and Alexis Allen, “Managing Post-Purchase
Moments of Truth: Leveraging Customer Feedback to Increase Loyalty.” In partnership with Darden Restaurants. Funded by MSI Grant- $6,500
Referenced Conference Proceedings
Tignor, Stefanie M., Paul W. Fombelle, and Nancy Sirianni. “Fun Made Me Do It: Transforming
Consumer Well-Being Through Serious Play",” Association for Consumer Research,
Baltimore, MD, October 2014.
Ray, Kristal, Paul W. Fombelle, Sterling A. Bone, Scott Thompson, Michael Brady, “Cliffs of
Dissatisfaction: The Effect of Introducing Technology- Based Innovations on Service Employees & Customers,” Frontiers in Service, Miami Florida, June 2014. *2014 Best Practitioner Paper
Ray, Kristal, Paul W. Fombelle, Sterling A. Bone, Scott Thompson, Michael Brady, “The
Effect of Introducing Technology Based Innovations on Employees & Customers,” Servsig, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2014.
Hill, Krista, and Paul W. Fombelle, “The Uninformed Consumer: Using Curiosity to Elicit
Word of Mouth, and Purchase Intentions,” American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, MA, August 2013.
*Best Paper Award in Consumer Behavior and Psychology Track.
Tignor, Stefanie M., Paul W. Fombelle, and Nancy Sirianni. “Co-creating Fun: Improving Consumer Well-being through Teamwork and Enjoyment,” American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, MA, August 2013.
Beckers, Sander, Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Kristal Ray, “Help Yourself, but
Share with Others: How Operating a B2B Customer Support Community Can Build Firm Level Loyalty,” International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 13, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2013.
Hill, Krista, and Paul W. Fombelle, “The Uninformed Consumer: Using Curiosity to Elicit
Word of Mouth, and Purchase Intentions,” International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 13, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2013.
Snyder, Hannah, Anders Gustafsson, Paul W. Fombelle, Lars Witell, and Per Kristensson, “What is Service Innovation” Naples Service Forum, Ischia, Italy, June 2013.
Fombelle, W. Paul, Clay Voorhees, Sterling A. Bone, and Alexis Allen, “Managing Post-Purchase
Moments of Truth: Leveraging Customer Feedback to Increase Loyalty,” American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2013.
Beckers, Sander, Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Kristal Ray, “How Does a B2B
Customer Support Community Influence Customer Loyalty and Future Customer Engagement?” Frontiers in Service, Bethesda, Maryland, June 2012.
*2012 Best Practitioner Paper Finalist
Gustafsson, Anders, Paul W. Fombelle, Lars Witell, and Per Kristenssson, “Unleashing Innovation
and Learning Service Innovation” Frontiers in Service, Bethesda, Maryland, June 2012.
Baker, Thomas L., Paul W. Fombelle, and Clay M. Voorhees “Understanding Consumers’
Processing of Online Review Information,” AMA SERVSIG 2012 International Service Research Conference, Hanken School of Economics, Hlesinki, Finalnd, June 2012.
Thompson, Scott, James Loveland, and Paul W. Fombelle, “Thematic Discrepancy
Analysis: Gaining Insights to Target Lurkers,” American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, February 2012.
Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Katherine N. Lemon, “Work Smarter Not
Harder: How Customer Participation in B-2-B Online Support Communities Influences Their Need for Service,” Frontiers in Service, Columbus, Ohio, June 2011. *2011 Best Practitioner Paper
Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Katherine N. Lemon, “Cross-Channel
Participation of B2B Customers in Online Support Communities and its Influence on Loyalty and Repurchase,” International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 12, Ithaca, NY, June 2011.
Baker, Thomas L., Paul W. Fombelle, Clay M. Voorhees, Jennelle E. Yopchik
“Understanding Consumers’ Processing of Online Review Information,” International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 12, Ithaca, NY, June 2011.
Fombelle, Paul W., Anders Gustafsson, Martin Lofgren, Lars Witell, “The Influence of a
Small Gift and Personal Greeting on the Customer Experience,” International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 12, Ithaca, NY, June 2011.
Fombelle, Paul W., Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, “Suggestions are Welcome:
Provider Response to Unsolicited Feedback,” AMS Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida, May 2011.
Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Katherine N. Lemon, “’Customer, Will You
Marry Me?’ Engaging Customers through Company and Peer Responses to Customer Ideas in a Social Media Environment,” American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, Texas, February 2011.
Fombelle, Paul W., Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, and James Ward, “Thanks, But
No Thanks: The Impact of Provider Responses to Customer Advice on Customer Advocacy,” SERVSIG AMA, Porto, Portugal, June 2010.
Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Katherine N. Lemon, “Thumbs Up or Thumbs
Down: How Do Responses to User-Generated Ideas in a Social Media Environment Influence Customer Advocacy and Repurchase Behaviors?,” Frontiers in Service, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2010.
Fombelle, Paul W., Anders Gustafsson, Lars Witell, “Give and Thou Shall Receive:
Customer Reciprocity in Retail Setting,” Frontiers in Service, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2010.
Fombelle, Paul W., Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, and James Ward, “Thanks, But
No Thanks: The Impact of Provider Responses to Customer Advice on Customer Advocacy,” American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2010.
Fombelle, Paul W., Sterling A. Bone, James Ward, Kay Lemon, and Haila Fine, “Suggestions
are Welcome: Provider Responses to Unsolicited Advice Feedback,” Frontiers in Service, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2009.
Fombelle, Paul W., Cheryl Burke Jarvis, James Ward, Lonnie Ostrom, and Rajiv Sinha
(2009), “Multiple Identities: Identity Overlap and Synergy as Drivers of Organizational Identification.” Emerging Perspectives in Services Research: Runner-Up of the ‘Fisher IMS and AMA SERVSIG Dissertation Proposal Competition, Runner-up, Winter AMA Conference, Tampa, Florida, February 2009.
Fombelle, Paul W., Robert Cialdini, and Noah Goldstein, “The VIP Phenomenon: The
Role of Social Comparison in Status-Oriented Experiences,” The Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego California, February 2009.
Fombelle, Paul W., “Multiple Identities: Identity Overlap and Synergy as Drivers of
Organizational Identification,” Southwest Doctoral Consortium, Houston, Texas, April 2008.
Fombelle, Paul W., Robert Cialdini, and Noah Goldstein, “The VIP Phenomenon: Can I
Be Special Too?, International Research Symposium on Service Excellence Management, QUIS 10, Orlando Florida, June 2007.
Fombelle, Paul W., and Ruth Bolton, “Organizational Identity: Maximizing a Member’s
Value to the Organization,” Sales force and Relationships track at the 2007 Winter AMA Conference, San Diego, California, February 2007.
Fombelle, Paul W., and Nathalie Laidler-Kylander “2006 AMA Nonprofit Marketing
Conference Summary,” with, AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference, July 2006.
Invited Presentations
Beckers, Sander, Bone, Sterling A., Paul W. Fombelle, and Kristal Ray, “How Does a B2B
Customer Support Community Influence Customer Loyalty and Future Customer Engagement?” Positive Marketing Conference, New York City, New York, November 2012.
*2012 Best Positive Marketing Paper Finalist
Paul W. Fombelle, Bone, Sterling A., and Katherine N. Lemon, “Work Smarter Not
Harder: How Customer Participation in B-2-B Online Support Communities Influences Their Need for Service,” HEMA Research Group Talk , Helsinki, Finland, June 2012.
Paul W. Fombelle, Bone, Sterling A., and Katherine N. Lemon, “Work Smarter Not
Harder: How Customer Participation in B-2-B Online Support Communities Influences Their Need for Service,” Center for Service Leadership Annual Meeting , Phoenix, AZ, January 2012.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Listen Up! Getting the Most
Out of Your Customer Feedback,” Center for Services Leadership Board and Fellows Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, February 2010.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Maximizing the Value of
Your Customer Feedback,” University of Arizona Eller College of Management, Tucson, AZ, March 2010.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Maximizing the Value of
Your Customer Feedback,” Singapore Management University Institute of Service Excellence Conference, July 2010.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Listen Up! Getting the Most
Out of Your Customer Feedback,” Ph.D. Project, AMA Summer Conference, Keynote Speech, Boston, August 2010.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Listen Up! Getting the Most
Out of Your Customer Feedback,” Georgia State University Marketing Roundtable, October 2010.
Lemon, Katherine N., Paul W. Fombelle, and Sterling A. Bone, “Suggestions are Welcome:
Provider Responses to Unsolicited Advice Feedback” HEC Montreal, October 2010.
Research Appointments
- Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University, Research Faculty, 2010-current
- Service Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden, Research Faculty, 2008-current
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